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Book >> Al Quran Section

Book Nameالقرآن الکریم
Book No.1
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Allah ki Ghaibi Madad
Complete Tafseer-e-Quran
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 khushgawar zindagi 2010
Allah ki Ghaibi Madad
Tafseer e Quran being held in Jama Masjid Bahar e Shariat [NEW]
Find recorded Tafseer-e-Quran by " Mufti Muhammad Asif Abdullah Qadri " being held in Bahar e Shariat

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Al-Quran (Arabic,Urdu,English)

Quran Comparison of
( English & Urdu )
All Praise to Allah, the Lord Of The Creation, and countless blessings and peace
upon our Master Mohammed, the leader of the Prophets.
The English Translation of the Holy Quran available here is called "The Treasure of Faith". It is in simple, easy to understand modern day English. Explanations are given in brackets to avoid ambiguity, provide better understanding & references to similar verses elsewhere.Readers are requested to pray for the salvation of the entire Ummah of Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings be upon him).Commercial use is NOT ALLOWED.
All rights are reserved by US International Copyrights - Mohammed Aqib Farid Qadri

Urdu Fonts for Urdu TarjumaClick here to Download

Table of Contents:
 2.SURAH AL-BAQRA. Madina. 40 sections. 286 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
 3.SURAH AL-IMRAN. Madina. 19 Section. 200 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
 4 AL-NISA. Madina. 24 Sections. 176 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
 5.SURAH AL-MAIDA. Madina. 16 Sections. 120 Verses. (Ayyah 001-002)
 6.SURAH AL-ANAAM. Makkah. 20 Sections. 165 verses. (Ayyah 001-008)
 7.AL-ARAF. Makkah. 24 Sections. 206 verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
 8.SURAH AL-ANFAL. Madina. 10 Sections. 75 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)

 9.SURAH AL-TAUBA. Madina. 16 Sections. 129 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
 10.SURAH YUNUS. Makkah. 11 Sections. 109 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
 11.SURAH HUD. Makkah. 10 Sections. 123 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
 12.SURAH YUSUF. Makkah. 12 Sections. 111 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)
 13.SURAH AL-RAAD. Madina. 6 Sections. 43 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
 14.SURAH IBRAHIM. Makkah. 7 Sections. 52 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
 15.SURAH AL-HIJR. Makkah. 6 Sections. 99 Verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
 16.SURAH AN-NAHL. Makkah. 16 Sections. 128 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
 17.SURAH BANI-ISRAEL Makkah. 12 Sections. 111 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
 18.SURAH AL-KAHF. Makkah. 12 Sections. 110 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)
 19.SURAH AL-MARYAM. Makkah.. 6 Sections. 98 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
 20.SURAH AL-TAHA. Makkah. 8 Sections, and 135 Verses (Ayyah 001-012)
 21.SURAH AL-ANBIA Makkah. 7 Sections. 112 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
 22.SURAH AL-HAJJ. Reveled Madina-Part at Makkah 10 Sections. 78 Verses. (Ayyah001-005)
 23.SURAH AL-MOMINOON. Makkah 6 Sections and 118 Verses. (Ayyah 001-017)
 24.SURAH AL-NOOR. Madina 9 Sections and 64 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
 25.SURAH AL-FURQUAN. Makkah. 6 Sections. 77 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
 26.SURAH AL-SHUARA. Makkah. 11 Sections. 227 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
 27.SURAH AL-NAML. Makkah. 7 Section. 93 Verses. (Ayyah 001-013)
 28.SURAH AL-QASAS. Makkah. 9 Sections. 88 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
 29.SURAH AL-ANKABUT. Makkah. 7 Sections. 69 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
 30.SURAH AL-RUM. Makkah. 6 sections. 60 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
 31.SURAH LUQMAN. Makkah. 4 Sections. 34 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
 32.SURAH AL-SAJDA. Makkah. 3 Sections. 30 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
 33.SURAH AL-AHZAB. Madina. 9 Sections. 73 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
 34.SURAH SHEBA. Makkah. 6 Sections. 54 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
 35.SURAH FATIR. Makkah. 5 Sections. 45 Verses. (Ayyah 001-003)
 36.SURAH YASIN. Makkah. 5 Sections. 83 Verses. (Ayyah 001-012)
 37.SURAH AL-SAFFAT. Makkah. 5 Sections. 182 Verses. (Ayyah 001-024)
 38.SURAH AL-SAD. Makkah. 5 Sections. 88 Verses. (Ayyah 001-016)
 39.SURAH AL-ZUMAR. Makkah. 8 Sections. 75 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
 40.SURAH AL-MOMIN. Makkah. 9 Sections. 85 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
 41.SURAH HA MIM-SAJDAH. Makkah. 6 Sections. 54 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
 42.SURAH AL-SHURA. Makkah. 5 Sections. 53 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
 43.SURAH AL-ZUKHRUF. Makkah. 7 Sections. 89 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
 44.SURAH AL-DOKHAN. Makkah. 3 Sections. 59 Verses. (Ayyah 001-018)
 45.SURAH AL-JATHIAH. Makkah. 4 Sections. 37 Verses. (Ayyah 001-013)
 46.SURAH AL-AHQUAF. Makkah. 4 Sections. 35 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
 47.SURAH MOHAMMAD. Madina. 4 Sections. 38 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
 48.SURAH AL-FATH. Madina. 4 Sections. 29 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
 49.SURAH AL-HOJORAT. Madina. 2 Sections. 18 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)
 50.SURAH QAF. Makkah. 3 Sections. 45 Verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
 51.SURAH AL-ZARIAT. Makkah, 3 Sections, 60 Verses. (Ayyah 001-030)
 52.SURAH-AL-TUR. Makkah. 2 Sections. 49 Verses. (Ayyah 001-014)
 53.SURAH AL-NAJM. Makkah. 3 Sections. 62 Verses. (Ayyah 001-026)
 54.SURAH AL-QAMAR. Makkah. 3 Sections. 55 Verses. (Ayyah 001-027)
 55.SURAH-AL-RAHMAN. Madina. 3 Sections. 78 Verses. (Ayyah 001-016)
 56.SURAH AL-WAQUIAH. Makkah. 3 Sections. 96 Verses. (Ayyah 001-016)
 57.SURAH AL-HADID. Madina. 4 Sections. 29 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
 58.SURAH AL-MUJADILAH. Madina. 3 Sections. 22 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
 59.SURAH-AL-HASHR. Madina. 3 Sections. 24 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
 60.SURAH AL-MUMTAHINAH. Madina. 2 Sections. 13 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
 61.SURAH AL-SAFF. Madina. 2 Sections. 14 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
 62.SURAH AL-JUMAH. Madina. 2 Sections. 11 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)

 63.SURAH AL-MUNAFIQUOON. Madina. 2 Sections. 11 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)

 64.SURAH AL-TAGHABUN. Madina. 2 Sections. 18 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
 65.SURAH AL-TALAQ. Madina. 2 Sections. 12 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
 66.SURAH AL-TAHRIM. Madina. 2 Sections. 12 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
 67.SURAH AL-MULK. Makkah. 2 Sections. 30 Verses. (Ayyah 001-012)
 68.SURAH AL-QALAM. Makkah. 2 Sections. 52 Verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
 69.SURAH AL-HAQQAH. Makkah. 2 Sections. 52 Verses. (Ayyah 001-034)
 70.SURAH AL-MAARIJ. Makkah. 2 Sections. 44 Verses. (Ayyah 001-044)

 71.SURAH NUH. Makkah. 2 Sections. 28 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
 72.SURAH AL-JINN. Makkah. 2 Sections. 28 Verses. (Ayyah 001-013)
 73.SURAH AL MOZAMMIL. Makkah. 2 Sections. 20 Verses. (Ayyah 001-020)

 74.SURAH AL-MUDATHTHIR. Makkah. 2 Sections. 56 verses. (Ayyah 001-056)

 75.SURAH AL-QIYAMAH. Makkah. 2 Sections. 40 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
 76.SURAH AL-DAHR. Madina. 2 Sections. 31 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
 77.SURAH AL-MURSALAT. Makkah. 2 Sections. 50 verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
 78.SURAH AL-NABA. Makkah. 2 Sections. 40 Verses. (Ayyah 001-040)

 79.SURAH AL-NAZIAT. Makkah. 2 Sections. 46 Verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
 80.SURAH ABASA. Makkah. 1 Section 42 Verses. (Ayyah 001-042)

 81.SURAH AL-TAKWIR. Makkah. 1 Section. 29 Verses. (Ayyah 001-029)

 82.SURAH AL-INFITAR. Makkah. 1 Section. 19 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)

 83.SURAH AL-TATFIF. Makkah. 1 Section. 36 Verses. (Ayyah 001-036)

 84.SURAH AL-INSHIQAQ. Makkah. 1 Section. 25 Verses. (Ayyah 001-025)

 85.SURAH AL-BURUJ. Makkah. 1 Section. 22 Verses. (Ayyah 001-022)

 86.SURAH AL-TARIQ. Makkah. 1 Section. 17 Verses. (Ayyah 001-017)

 87.SURAH AL-ALA. Makkah. 1 Section. 19 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)

 88.SURAH AL-GHASIYAH. Makkah. 1 Section. 26 Verses. (Ayyah 001-026)

 89.SURAH AL-FAJR. Makkah. 1 Section. 30 Verses. (Ayyah 001-030)

 90.SURAH AL-BALAD. Makkah. 1 Section. 20 Verses. (Ayyah 001-020)

 91.SURAH AL-SHAMS. Makkah. 1 Section. 15 verses. (Ayyah 001-015)

 92.SURAH AL-LAIL. Makkah. 1 Section. 21 Verses. (Ayyah 001-021)

 93.SURAH AL-DUHA. Makkah. 1 Section. 11 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)

 94.SURAH AL-INSHIRAH-94 Makkah. 1 Section. 8 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)

 95.SURAH AL-TIN. Makkah. 1 Section. 8 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)

 96.SURAH AL-ALAQ. Makkah. 1 Section. 19 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)

 97.SURAH AL-QADR. Makkah. 1 Section. 5 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)

 98.SURAH AL-BAYYINAH. Madina. 1 Section. 8 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)

 99.SURAH AL-ZILZAL. Makkah. 1 Section. 8 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)

 100.SURAH AL-ADIYAT. Makkah. 1 Section. 11 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)

 101.SURAH AL-QARIAH. Makkah. 1 Section. 11 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)

 102.SURAH AL-TAKATUR. Makkah. 1 Section. 8 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)

 103.SURAH AL-ASR. Makkah. 1 Section. 3 Verses. (Ayyah 001-003)

 104.SURAH AL-HUMAZAH. Makkah. 1 Section. 9 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)

 105.SURAH AL-FIL. Makkah. 1 Section. 5 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)

 106.SURAH AL-QURAISH. Makkah. 1 Section. 4 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)

 107.SURAH ALMAUN. Makkah. 1 Section. 7 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)

 108.SURAH AL-KAUSAR. Makkah. 1 Section. 3 Verses. (Ayyah 001-003)

 109.SURAH AL-KAFIRUN. Makkah. 1 Section. 6 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)

 110.SURAH AL-NASAR. Madina. 1 Section. 3 Verses. (Ayyah 001-003)

 111.SURAH AL-LAHAB. Makkah. 1 Section. 5 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)

 112.SURAH AL-IKHLAS. Makkah. 1 Section. 4 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)

 113.SURAH AL-FALAQ. Madina. 1 Section. 5 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)

 114.SURAH AL-NAS. Madina. 1 Section. 6 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)

 Duaa-e Khat'mul Quran


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1Surat-ul-Fatiha سورة الفاتحة Read
2Surat-ul-Baqarah سورة البقرةRead
3Surat-al-Imran سورة آل عمرانRead
4Surat-ul-Nisa سورة النساءRead
5Surat-ul-Maida سورة المائدةRead
6Surat-ul-Anaam سورة الأنعامRead
7Surat-ul-Aaraf سورة الأعرافRead
8Surat-ul-Anfal سورة الأنفالRead
9Surat-ul-Tooba سورة التوبةRead
10Surat Younus سورة يونسRead
11Surat Hood سورة هودRead
12Surat Yousuf سورة يوسفRead
13Surat-ul-Raad سورة الرعدRead
14Surat Ibrahim سورة إبراهيمRead
15Surat-ul-Hajar سورة الحجرRead
16Surat-ul-Nahal سورة النحلRead
17Surat Asra سورة بنی اسرا عیلRead
18Surat-ul-Kahaf سورة الكهفRead
19Surat Mariam سورة مريمRead
20Surat Taha سورة طهRead
21Surat-ul-Anbiya سورة الأنبياءRead
22Surat-ul-Haaj سورة الحجRead
23Surat-ul-Moominoon سورة المؤمنونRead
24Surat-ul-Noor سورة النورRead
25Surat-ul-Furqan سورة الفرقانRead
26Surat-ul-Shuara سورة الشعراءRead
27Surat-ul-Namal سورة النملRead
28Surat-ul-Qasas سورة القصصRead
29Surat-ul-Ankabot سورة العنكبوتRead
30Surat-ul-Room سورة الرومRead
31Surat Luqman سورة لقمانRead
32Surat-ul-Sajda سورة السجدةRead
33Surat-ul-Ahzab سورة الأحزابRead
34Surat Saba سورة سبأRead
35Surat Fatir سورة فاطرRead
36Surat Yaseen سورة يسRead
37Surat-ul-Saffat سورة الصافاتRead
38Surat Suad سورة صRead
39Surat-ul-Zumar سورة الزمرRead
40Surat-ul-Mumin سورة المومنRead
41Surat Hameem-Sujda سورة حامیم سجدہRead
42Surat-ul-Shoora سورة الشورىRead
43Surat-ul-Zukhraf سورة الزخرفRead
44Surat-ul-Dukhan سورة الدخانRead
45Surat-ul-Jasia سورة الجاثيةRead
46Surat-ul-Ahqaf سورة الأحقافRead
47Surat Muhammad سورة محمدRead
48Surat-ul-Fatah سورة الفتحRead
49Surat-ul-Hujrat سورة الحجراتRead
50Surat Qaaf سورة قRead
51Surat-ul-Zariyat سورة الذارياتRead
52Surat-ul-Toor سورة الطورRead
53Surat-ul-Najam سورة النجمRead
54Surat-ul-Qamar سورة القمرRead
55Surat-ul-Rehman سورة الرحمنRead
56Surat-ul-Waqia سورة الواقعةRead
57Surat-ul-Hadeed سورة الحديدRead
58Surat-ul-Mujadala سورة المجادلةRead
59Surat-ul-Hashar سورة الحشرRead
60Surat-ul-Mumtahina سورة الممتحنةRead
61Surat-ul-Suf سورة الصفRead
62Surat-ul-Juma سورة الجمعةRead
63Surat-ul-Munafiqon سورة المنافقونRead
64Surat-ul-Tagabun سورة التغابنRead
65Surat-ul-Talaq سورة الطلاقRead
66Surat-ul-Tehreem سورة التحريمRead
67Surat-ul-Mulk سورة الملكRead
68Surat-ul-Qalam سورة القلمRead
69Surat-ul-Haqqa سورة الحاقةRead
70Surat-ul-Maarij سورة المعارجRead
71Surat Nooh سورة نوحRead
72Surat-ul-Jin سورة الجنRead
73Surat-ul-Muzzamil سورة المزملRead
74Surat-ul-Mudassir سورة المدثرRead
75Surat-ul-Qiyama سورة القيامةRead
76Surat-ul-Dahar سورة الإنسانRead
77Surat-ul-Mursalatسورة المرسلاتRead
78Surat-ul-Naba سورة النبأRead
79Surat-ul-Nizaat سورة النازعاتRead
80Surat-ul-Abas سورة عبسRead
81Surat-ul-Taveer سورة التكويرRead
82Surat-ul-Infitar سورة الإنفطارRead
83Surat-ul-Mutaffifeen سورة المطففينRead
84Surat-ul-Inshiqaq سورة الانشقاقRead
85Surat-ul-Burooj سورة البروجRead
86Surat-ul-Tariq سورة الطارقRead
87Surat-ul-Aala سورة الأعلىRead
88Surat-ul-Ghasiya سورة الغاشيةRead
89Surat-ul-Fajr سورة الفجرRead
90Surat-ul-Balad سورة البلدRead
91Surat-ul-Shums سورة الشمسRead
92Surat-ul-Lail سورة الليلRead
93Surat-ul-Duhaa سورة الضحىRead
94Surat Alam-Nashrah سورة الشرحRead
95Surat-ul-Teen سورة التينRead
96Surat-ul-Alaq سورة العلقRead
97Surat-ul-Qadar سورة القدرRead
98Surat-ul-Biyena سورة البينةRead
99Surat-ul-Zilzal سورة الزلزلةRead
100Surat-ul-Aadiyat سورة العادياتRead
101Surat-ul-Qariyaa سورة القارعةRead
102Surat-ul-Taksur سورة التكاثرRead
103Surat-ul-Assr سورة العصرRead
104Surat-ul-Humaza سورة الهمزةRead
105Surat-ul-Feel سورة الفيلRead
106Surat-ul-Quresh سورة قريشRead
107Surat-ul-Maoon سورة الماعونRead
108Surat-ul-Kausar سورة الكوثرRead
109Surat-ul-Kafiroon سورة الكافرونRead
110Surat-ul-Nassr سورة النصرRead
111Surat-ul-Lahub سورة تبتRead
112Surat-ul-Ikhlas سورة الإخلاصRead
113Surat-ul-Falaq سورة الفلقRead
114Surat-ul-Naas سورة الناسRead

Something About Holy Quran
• The Holy Books of Allah
• About Holy Quran
• Jewels of Quran
Tafseer Quran in PDF Format
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para1
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 2
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 3
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 4
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 5
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 6
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 7
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 8
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 9
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 10
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 11
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 12
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 13
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 14
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 15
• Tafsir-e-Naeemi-Para 16
Islamic Software

• Complete Quran Shareef (Software) with Kanzul Iman Translation & Explanation with Audio
• Auqaat-us-Salaat Full Version (with .Net framework 2.0) 
• Jewels of Quran


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